Xóa tài khoản blackberry ID Q10 done Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 13.27.1341 @ 2017-03-22 Printing phone history SW Change 3/22/2017 7:38:19 AM [BlackBerry Protect remove procedure started.] Phone is in loader mode Updating software. Phone is in loader mode Connected to loader Querying meminfo Downloading files qc8960.wtr- All files downloaded. Flashing file Parsing file Start flashing Flashing has been finished Reconnected Flashing file qc8960.wtr- Parsing file Start flashing Flashing has been finished Waiting for the phone connection. ? Turn on your phone and wait for the Chimera logo. Phone found. Initializing usb connection. Testing usb connection. Usb successfully initialized. Waiting for the usb answer. Phone is in loader mode Connected to loader Querying meminfo Downloading files qc8960.wtr- All files downloaded. Flashing file Parsing file Start flashing Flashing has been finished Reconnected Flashing file qc8960.wtr- Parsing file Start flashing Flashing has been finished BlackBerry Protect removed successfully. Finished at local time: [03.22.17 15:25:47] WorkID: 19203386