Nhận máy lở úp lên 5.0 giờ nó bị lock sim nhưng mình làm theo cách này toàn báo error dòng thứ 5 ae còn cách khác HD mình với nào giờ chưa gặp.. 1. You should be rooted 2. Download https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...al.androidterm 3. Run Terminal Emulator 4. Type "su" (excluding quotation marks) and grant it superuser permission 5. Type "am start com.redbend.vdmc/com.htc.omadm.test.TestMainActivity" (excluding quotation marks) 6. You will get menu on your HTC 7. In that menu, select "API", then scroll down 'till almost end and select "simlock" 8. Reboot the phone and hopefully it would accept GSM SIM 9. Enter #*#4636#*# in your dialer 10.In the phone information section(the first one) set preferred network type to something that is GSM specific: "WCDMA Preferred", for example. The phone will switch to GSM mode Thank all ae..