Wiko Lenny 2 xách tay từ Pháp về, máy chưa Unlock và dính mã bảo vệ . Unlock Wiko Lenny 2 bằng Furi Pack 5 hay Sigma đều ok . Boot bằng cách tắt máy ... gắn cáp và nhấn unlock . Mã:Using library Brom_DLL_v7.1522.2 Searching phone in normal mode; [connect the phone powered off to the usb cable] Phone detected (MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM43)) Preparing to start flash mode; Preparing to open COM43 Connecting; Downloading DA; Initializing; Rid: a2ec6a98ea531624be87c487fe6627a6 Requesting baudrate change; Done; USB SPEED: USB_HIGH_SPEED Switching to DA_HIGHSPEED_VCOM; Drivers location \usb_driver\Driver_Auto_Installer\SmartPhoneDriver\x86; If the detection fails, install manually the port from the device manager using usbvcom.inf; DA_HIGHSPEED_VCOM (@oem195.inf,%mtk_sp_da%;DA USB VCOM Port) TRYING TO OPEN COM69; DEVICE INFO: BB CHIP: MT6580_S00 [CA00, 00, 6580, FF] HW_STORAGE_EMMC: 0x46000115 0x4D37324A 0x7F4F0242 0x6143BBD2 [SIZE=0xE9880000] IMEI1 [OTP 0000]: 000000-00-000000-0 IMEI2 [OTP 0000]: 000000-00-000000-0 PROVIDER: N/A USRDATA INFO: 0x59800000 SIZE: 0x60000000 Searching data; Locked to [SIM1]: 228-01 code_cat_n: 87654321 enabled: yes tries: 5 code_cat_ns: 56781234 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_sp: 11112222 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_c: 33334444 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_sim: 55556666 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_ns_sp: 77778888 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_sim_c: 99990000 enabled: no tries: 5 Locked to [SIM2]: 228-01 code_cat_n: 87654321 enabled: yes tries: 5 code_cat_ns: 56781234 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_sp: 11112222 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_c: 33334444 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_sim: 55556666 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_ns_sp: 77778888 enabled: no tries: 5 code_cat_sim_c: 99990000 enabled: no tries: 5 Phone unlocked; Remove battery and cable; Time needed - 00:00:07