✅USBPatcher Tool (MacOS) - Unlimited all features Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thanhlapapple6902/videos Packs: 1tr 3 tháng 1tr4 6 tháng 1tr9 1 năm Giảm giá 10% tương ứng 3, 6, 12 tháng (900k, 1tr2, 1tr6) cho ae gia hạn Supported: Apple Watch series 1, 2, 3 GPS and LTE ▫️Off iCloud, bypass hello, bypass passcode.. Macbook (T2, M, intel) ▫️Bypass MDM, Find ID, remove EFI (T2), bypass global (T2), bypass passcode (T2),.. Off iCloud "Open Menu" ▫️iphone 5s - 16 series, iPad, iPod Off iCloud "Change Serial" ▫️iPad only wifi, Apple Watch s1,2,3 GPS, iPod Bypass MDM ▫️iPhone, iPad, iPod all iOS and to last iOS (18.3+) iPhone, iPad, iPod (A4-A11) ▫️jailbreak and Ramdisk: + Supported No change serial number (to iOS 18.3+) + Supported change serial number (to iOS 18.3+) + Bypass passcode full signal (activate files saved server of USBPatcher forever) + No Meid iOS <= 14.5.1 full signal + Bypass mdm, read address WiFi Blue, read phone number, email... Etc... Still updating... Contact: https://t.me/thanhlapapple Download: https://mega.nz/folder/M291gKIb#Thu-4sOoIWbVv9aAaDFBew ✅MainTool (Windows) Included: iCloudTool, BypassTool, MDMTool, JailbreakTool, PasscodeTool, A4-7Tool.. 600k 3 tháng 750k 6 tháng 1000k 12 tháng Download: https://mega.nz/folder/N6diwTZI#5FFx7MIRs6AkAlg5Kwe2xg Download all Tools: https://mega.nz/folder/Nr8mXRaL#H_B0hpcn4_gWX_tmwAdiGw AE liên hệ zalo 0925.67.67.67 hoặc order trên Unlockviet.com Telagram: https://t.me/usbpatcher