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Tiny umbrella phát hành v7.0.4 hỗ trợ lưu shsh 7.0.4

Thảo luận trong 'SỮA CHỮA PHẦN MỀM, FIRMWARE.' bắt đầu bởi phương nhung, 18/12/13.

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  1. 18/12/13 lúc 11:42

    phương nhung

    Major Poster

    phương nhung
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    TinyUmbrella iPhone 5c, iPhone 5c world, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5s world and iOS 7 support

    I just updated TU for the 4 new iPhone 5* devices. TU supports saving SHSH for iOS 7 and 7.0.1 (for the new devices about to be released).

    Perhaps eventually we'll be able to restore to these firmwares using local SHSHs but remember that currently local restores are primarily for older devices (non a5 devices and lower!).

  2. 18/12/13 lúc 11:53


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