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Bán Nhận Unlock Samsung G532F G532G G532M Online

Thảo luận trong 'SỬA CHỮA – UNLOCK – XÓA iCLOUD – FILE – ROM - TOOL' bắt đầu bởi Mobileservices, 18/7/17.

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    Gửi 18/7/17, 1 Trả lời, 1,071 Đọc
  1. 18/7/17 lúc 10:14


    No Life Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Samsung G532F G532FXWU1AQB5 Khóa Sim Nhà Mạng
    Samsung G532F G532FXWU1AQB5 Unlock Network By Chimera
    Samsung G532F G532FXWU1AQB5 Mở Mạng By Chimera
    Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus G532F Tiếng Việt (Root : rm /system/csc/language.xml)

    Hỗ Trợ Unlock Online Qua Teamviewer Cho Khách Hàng Ở Xa
    Giá : 150K (Khách Lẻ + 100K)
    Hotline : 0966833711 (Zalo + Facebook)

    Tags:G532F Unlock,G532F Mở Mạng,G532F Root,G532F Tiếng Việt,G532F FRP,G532F DRK,Rom,G532F Stock,G532F Recovery,
    Gathering phone info...
    Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
    Model: SM-G532F
    Sales Code: KSA
    Country Code: KSA
    Timezone: Asia/Saigon
    Android Version: 6.0.1 [MMB29T]
    Build Date: Tue Feb 28 13:24:33 KST 2017
    PDA Version: G532FXWU1AQB5 [february 2017, rev5]
    Phone Version: G532FXXU1AQB3 [february 2017, rev3]
    CSC Version: G532FOJV1AQB5 [february 2017, rev5]
    Product Code: SM-G532FZSDKSA
    HIDSw Version: G532FXWU1AQB5/G532FOJV1AQB5/G532FXXU1AQB3/G532FXWU1AQB5
    Board Platform: MT6737T
    Modem Platform: MT6737T
    Serial Number: R58J409W5SV
    Imei: 357953084826915
    Unique Number: CQN00605290F734
    Connections: AT,MTP
    Battery Status: 4.24V (100%)
    Network Type: GSM
    Multisim Config: DSDS
    Knox Version: v30
    Warranty Bit: 0
    Security Patch: 2017-03-01
    Data Encryption State: encrypted
    Checking custom root image...
    Downloading custom root image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
    Checking downloaded image.
    To avoid "To start up your device, enter your password", 
    go to "Settings -> Google -> Security" and turn OFF "Scan device for security threats" option. 
    The data partition is encrypted so after the root the phone may ask for a password (minimal-framework).
    Rooting by custom image based root method...
    Flashing firmware...
    Switching to download mode.
    Waiting for download mode.
    Reading PIT.
    Flashing boot.img
    Restarting phone.
    Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
    Checking root state...
    Not rooted.
    Disabling knox. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
    Reading and storing secure images. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
    Preparing simlock.
    The phone is permanently rooted by custom root image.
    To avoid FRP/Reactivation/EE lock, please install a stock firmware.
    Finished successfully.
    Finished at local time: [07.18.17 08:56:26]
  2. 18/7/17 lúc 10:20


    No Life Poster

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