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Lu6200 repair boot cần ae giúp

Thảo luận trong 'LG ANDROID' bắt đầu bởi tranquyetchien, 15/8/16.

  1. 15/8/16 lúc 09:26


    Freak Poster

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    Được thích:
    tình trạng e nó cắm vào pc báo qhsusb_dload,lôi riff ra repair báo lỗi này,ae gặp wa xin giúp phát,đã chỉnh nhiều tốc độ rồi mà vẫn lỗi
    Open serial port...OK
    Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
    Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.56
    Selected Resurrector: [LG LU6200 V1.0.5025.52349]

    Connecting to the dead body...OK
    Detected dead body ID: 0x105310E1 - CORRECT!
    Set I/O Voltage reads as 1.81V, TCK Frequency is RTCK
    Adaptive Clocking RTCK Sampling is: [Sample at MAX]

    Resurrection sequence started.
    Establish communication with the phone...OK
    Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK
    Uploading resurrector data into memory...OK
    Starting communication with resurrector...OK

    Detected an Initialized FLASH1 Chip, ID: 0x0006/0x0000 (16, 0x0000D7800000 Bytes = 3.37 GB)
    Detected an Initialized FLASH2 Chip, ID: 0x0006/0x0000 (16, 0x000000200000 Bytes = 2.00 MB)

    Flashing the dead body...
    WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000000000 is handled as Cut Excess.
    ERROR: DCC Loader has reported Error Code = 0x3E (0x007FFF <> 0x020000)

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