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lg Qua Phone PX(v33) unlock done

Thảo luận trong 'LG ANDROID' bắt đầu bởi ThanhThảoMobile, 2/2/18.

  1. 2/2/18 lúc 11:37


    Insane Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Platform: LG Qualcomm
    Selected port: COM13
    Selected model: V33
    Reading info...
    Model ID: LGV33
    Incompatible model ID!
    IMEI: 358
    Android version: 6.0.1
    Battery level: 26%
    SW Version: LGV3310b
    Mode: Normal
    Performed by 2.7.9 Software version.
    Checking data...OK
    Platform: LG Qualcomm
    Selected port: COM13
    Selected model: V33
    Reading info...
    Model ID: LGV33
    Incompatible model ID!
    IMEI: 358
    Android version: 6.0.1
    Battery level: 26%
    SW Version: LGV3310b
    Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...
    Found model LGV33HL-: ÿd at port COM13
    Incompatible model ID!
    Found model at port COM13
    Reading QCN...
    Send SPC...OK
    Reading Mobile Property...OK
    Reading Feature Mask...OK
    Reading Roaming List 0...OK
    Reading NV_Numbered Items...OK
    Reading NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
    Reading NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
    Reading NV Items...OK
    Reading EFS...OK
    Reading Provisioning Items...OK
    Reading QCN done!
    Backup saved to "V33_358-02-02-2018_10-39-54.qcn"
    Switching to Download mode...OK
    Initializing flash...OK
    Reading partitions...OK
    Reading security area...OK
    Backup saved to "V33_358_02-02-2018_10-49-11.SEC"
    Writing security area...OK
    Switching to Normal mode...
    Found model LGV33HL-* ÿd at port COM13
    Incompatible model ID!
    Found model at port COM13
    Send SPC...OK
    Writing QCN...
    Writing NV_Numbered Items...OK
    Writing NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
    Writing NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
    Writing QCN done!
    Phone successfully unlocked!
    Rebooting phone...
    Performed by 2.7.9 Software version.

    tối qua nghe hỏi .coi lại mực mới sp .làm nhát ok,kèo thơm 2018:)

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