thay GSM unlock octopus ok chon model X420EMW done ma sao echon chay cu bao Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 3.0.7 Card S/N : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected USB connection type Work ID: 00000000002B1B09 Checking data...OK Platform: LG MTK Selected port: COM39 Selected baudrate: 921600 Selected model: X420EMW Please, disconnect cable, power phone OFF, connect P999 cable (with 910k resistor) or Power OFF phone, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and connect USB cable. Phone found at port COM38 Mode: Emergency Initializing flash...OK Model ID: LM-X420TM Platform: msm8953 Android version: 9 SW version: LMX420TMAT-01-V10i-310-260-JUL-29-2020-ARB00 +0 LAF Version: 1.1 Product ID: 98TAB240CH5L00JSK IMEI: 359........... Target operator: LAO Hardware: rev_10 Battery level: 34% Reading partitions...OK LAF Error: 80000119. Checking security...Failed! Could not find Security partition! Performed by 3.0.7 Software version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected USB connection type Work ID: 00000000002B1B2C Checking data...OK Platform: LG MTK Selected port: COM38 Selected baudrate: 921600 Selected model: X420EMW Please, disconnect cable, power phone OFF, connect P999 cable (with 910k resistor) or Power OFF phone, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and connect USB cable. Phone found at port COM38 Mode: Emergency Initializing flash...OK Model ID: LM-X420TM Platform: msm8953 Android version: 9 SW version: LMX420TMAT-01-V10i-310-260-JUL-29-2020-ARB00 +0 LAF Version: 1.1 Product ID: 98TAB240CH5L00JSK IMEI: 35996....... Target operator: LAO Hardware: rev_10 Battery level: 34% Reading partitions...OK LAF Error: 80000119. Checking security...Failed! Could not find Security partition! Performed by 3.0.7 Software version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected USB connection type Work ID: 00000000002B1B54 Checking data...OK Platform: LG MTK Selected port: COM37 Selected baudrate: 921600 Selected model: X420EMW Please, disconnect cable, power phone OFF, connect P999 cable (with 910k resistor) or Power OFF phone, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and connect USB cable. Phone found at port COM38 Mode: Emergency Initializing flash...OK Model ID: LM-X420TM Platform: msm8953 Android version: 9 SW version: LMX420TMAT-01-V10i-310-260-JUL-29-2020-ARB00 +0 LAF Version: 1.1 Product ID: 98TAB240CH5L00JSK IMEI: 35996............ Target operator: LAO Hardware: rev_10 Battery level: 34% Reading partitions...OK LAF Error: 80000119. Checking security...Failed! Could not find Security partition! Performed by 3.0.7 Software version. nho ae giup do