Mã:SigmaKey v.2.15.04 New version 2.15.05b2 is available on www.sigmakey.com. We strongly recommend to update SigmaKey! 759135626 Sigma dongle 2.15, Initializing...OK Pack 1: Activated Pack 2: Activated --------- 2016-03-08 18:54:32 --------- SigmaKey 2.15.04 MTK: Direct unlock Plug the USB cable into the powered off phone... Cancelled --------- 2016-03-08 18:54:57 --------- SigmaKey 2.15.04 Qcom: Connect Motorola Android phone Connecting...Not found --------- 2016-03-08 18:57:40 --------- SigmaKey 2.15.04 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * ^ Android Composite ADB Interface Version: Linux version 3.4.67 (build@build) (gcc version 4.7 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Sep 17 11:00:01 CST 2014 Phone model: HUAWEI HUAWEI Y520-U12 Android 4.4.2; Firmware: HUAWEIY520-U12; Date: Wed Sep 17 11:03:57 CST 2014 Version: Y520-U12V100R001C575B104 Baseband Firmware: MOLY.WR8.W1315.MD.WG.MP.V36.F2.P5, 2014/09/16 20:15 Baseband Processor: MT6572 Software IMEI: 865280020586139 Security area saved to "C:\Users\670ALLQ\Documents\SigmaKey\security backup\865280020586139_HUAWEI_HUAWEI Y520-U12_HUAWEIY520-U12_Wed Sep 17 110357 CST 2014.skb" Unlocking phone...Done Restarting phone...Done