F180L repair imei OK Mã:Checking data...OK Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM41 Selected model: F180L Searching Diagnostic Ports...OK Reading info...OK Mode: Emergency Model ID: BS/J1U/1 SW version: LGF180LAT-00-V20s-LGU-KR-JUL-01-2013+0 Product ID: PT05S130914000398 IMEI: 354282-05-606793-3 Fixing IMEI... New IMEI: 354282-05-606793-3 Initializing flash...OK Reading partition...OK Reading security area...OK Backup saved to "F180L_354282056067933_07-02-2015_11-31-51.SEC" Analyzing security...OK Writing security area...OK IMEI successfully fixed! Rebooting phone... To complete the operation, please make Factory Reset (Go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Backup & reset" -> "Factory data reset", press "Reset phone" and "Erase everything" buttons).