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Emmc htc 626ph nhờ mọi người giúp đỡ

Thảo luận trong 'HTC ANDROID' bắt đầu bởi thangmobile89, 17/8/17.

  1. 17/8/17 lúc 20:33


    Insane Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Chả là nhà có 1 em xác htc 626ph mtk 6592 treo logo - em chạy rồi cũng thế
    Em mới mua easy jtag lỗi ra nghiên cứu
    Em thấy chân emmc giống g530 nên lấy emmc samsung 530 đóng qua
    đổi cid và dùng easy jtag flash luôn
    Đóng vào thì không lên_lên kim rồi xuống luôn
    mọi người xem dum em cái log có vấn đề gì không ạ
    Em cảm ơn
    log info
    8/17/2017 7:19:09 PM> Looking for EasyJTAG box...
    8/17/2017 7:19:09 PM> EasyJTAG API ver. 2008
    8/17/2017 7:19:09 PM> Setting IO Levels to 3.3V
    8/17/2017 7:19:09 PM> Setting frequence to 21 Mhz
    8/17/2017 7:19:09 PM> HiPower mode is OFF
    8/17/2017 7:19:10 PM> OpenUSB returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:19:10 PM> Power Controller returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EasyJTAG Box Serial = 1800601B80202E89
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EasyJTAG Box Firmware = 01.58
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> HiPower mode is OFF
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Frequence: 21 Mhz
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> CMD Pullup Level: 2052 mV
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> CMD Active Level: 2990 mV
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> eMMC Init returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC Device Information :
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC CID: 15010051375853414200DD96D49BA1E2
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400C
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC Manufacture Name: SAMSUNG
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC Manufacture ID: 0x15 , OEM ID: 0100
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC Manufacture Date: 10/2014 , Rev: 00
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC NAME: Q7XSAB , S/N: DD96D49B , rev. 00
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC NAME (HEX): 513758534142
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC ROM 1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 7456 MB (0001D2000000)
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC ROM 2/3 (Boot Partition 1/2) Capacity: 2048 KB (000000200000)
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 2048 KB (000000200000)
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Extended CSD Information :
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Extended CSD rev: 1.7 (MMC 5.0, MMC 5.01)
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG]: 0x48 , Boot from: ROM2 (Boot partition 1)
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Boot Bus Config: 0x00 , width 1bit
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> H/W Reset Function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x01, RST_n signal is permanently enabled
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Supported partition features [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Device supports partitioning features
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Device can have extended partitions attribute
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Partition Settings [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Backup saved: Q7XSAB_DD96D49B_20170817_191911.extcsd
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> EMMC Init completed.
    còn đây là log flash và tự thay đổi cid
    8/17/2017 7:19:11 PM> Get firmware version
    8/17/2017 7:19:53 PM> Firmware info not found
    8/17/2017 7:20:11 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:20:11 PM> Looking for EasyJTAG box...
    8/17/2017 7:20:11 PM> EasyJTAG API ver. 2008
    8/17/2017 7:20:11 PM> Setting IO Levels to 3.3V
    8/17/2017 7:20:11 PM> Setting frequence to 21 Mhz
    8/17/2017 7:20:11 PM> HiPower mode is OFF
    8/17/2017 7:20:12 PM> OpenUSB returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:20:12 PM> Power Controller returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EasyJTAG Box Serial = 1800601B80202E89
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EasyJTAG Box Firmware = 01.58
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> HiPower mode is OFF
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Frequence: 21 Mhz
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> CMD Pullup Level: 2041 mV
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> CMD Active Level: 2928 mV
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> eMMC Init returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC Device Information :
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC CID: 15010051375853414200DD96D49BA1E2
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400C
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC Manufacture Name: SAMSUNG
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC Manufacture ID: 0x15 , OEM ID: 0100
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC Manufacture Date: 10/2014 , Rev: 00
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC NAME: Q7XSAB , S/N: DD96D49B , rev. 00
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC NAME (HEX): 513758534142
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC ROM 1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 7456 MB (0001D2000000)
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC ROM 2/3 (Boot Partition 1/2) Capacity: 2048 KB (000000200000)
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 2048 KB (000000200000)
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Extended CSD Information :
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Extended CSD rev: 1.7 (MMC 5.0, MMC 5.01)
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG]: 0x48 , Boot from: ROM2 (Boot partition 1)
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Boot Bus Config: 0x00 , width 1bit
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> H/W Reset Function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x01, RST_n signal is permanently enabled
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Supported partition features [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Device supports partitioning features
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Device can have extended partitions attribute
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Partition Settings [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Backup saved: Q7XSAB_DD96D49B_20170817_192013.extcsd
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> EMMC Init completed.
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Opening file: D:\Rom HTC\HTC 626gp\MT6592_scatter_1.03.707.1.txt
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> The new format of scatter
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> config_version: V1.1.2
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> platform: MT6592
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> preloader_htc_asia_wwe.bin
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> Found 4 supported eMMC CID:
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> name = 'Q7XSAB' hex = 0x513758534142 [SAMSUNG]
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> KMQ7X000SA-B315/8GB+LPDDR3 8Gb @BGA221
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> name = 'Q72SMB' hex = 0x513732534D42 [SAMSUNG]
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> KMQ72000SM-B316/8GB @BGA221+LPDDR3 8Gb
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> name = 'H8G1e' hex = 0x483847316505 [SKHYNIX]
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> eNAND_H9TP64A8JDMCPR-KGM/8GB @FBGA162
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> eNAND_H9TQ64A8GTMCUR-KUM/8GB @BGA221
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> eNAND_H9TQ64ABJTMCUR-KUM/8GB @BGA221
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> name = 'P1J95K' hex = 0x50314A39354B [MICRON]
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:20:13 PM> The size of the last section has been updated
    8/17/2017 7:20:22 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:20:22 PM> Looking for EasyJTAG box...
    8/17/2017 7:20:22 PM> EasyJTAG API ver. 2008
    8/17/2017 7:20:22 PM> Setting IO Levels to 3.3V
    8/17/2017 7:20:22 PM> Setting frequence to 21 Mhz
    8/17/2017 7:20:22 PM> HiPower mode is OFF
    8/17/2017 7:20:24 PM> OpenUSB returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:20:24 PM> Power Controller returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EasyJTAG Box Serial = 1800601B80202E89
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EasyJTAG Box Firmware = 01.58
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> HiPower mode is OFF
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Frequence: 21 Mhz
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> CMD Pullup Level: 2052 mV
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> CMD Active Level: 2990 mV
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> eMMC Init returned = 0
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC Device Information :
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC CID: 15010051375853414200DD96D49BA1E2
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400C
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC Manufacture Name: SAMSUNG
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC Manufacture ID: 0x15 , OEM ID: 0100
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC Manufacture Date: 10/2014 , Rev: 00
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC NAME: Q7XSAB , S/N: DD96D49B , rev. 00
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC NAME (HEX): 513758534142
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC ROM 1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 7456 MB (0001D2000000)
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC ROM 2/3 (Boot Partition 1/2) Capacity: 2048 KB (000000200000)
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 2048 KB (000000200000)
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Extended CSD Information :
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Extended CSD rev: 1.7 (MMC 5.0, MMC 5.01)
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG]: 0x48 , Boot from: ROM2 (Boot partition 1)
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Boot Bus Config: 0x00 , width 1bit
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> H/W Reset Function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x01, RST_n signal is permanently enabled
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Supported partition features [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Device supports partitioning features
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Device can have extended partitions attribute
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Partition Settings [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Backup saved: Q7XSAB_DD96D49B_20170817_192025.extcsd
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> EMMC Init completed.
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Operation: Write by vendor (MediaTek)
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Partition name: MBR
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Filename: MBR , Offset: 000000000000 , filesize: 512 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:20:25 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:26 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:26 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 11.36 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:20:26 PM> Partition name: PRELOADER
    8/17/2017 7:20:26 PM> Filename: preloader_htc_asia_wwe.bin , Offset: 000000000000 , filesize: 118728 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:20:26 PM> eMMC switching to ROM2
    8/17/2017 7:20:26 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:33 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:33 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 215.00 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:20:33 PM> Partition name: EBR1
    8/17/2017 7:20:33 PM> Filename: EBR1 , Offset: 000000080000 , filesize: 512 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:20:33 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:20:34 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:35 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:35 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 11.36 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:20:35 PM> Partition name: UBOOT
    8/17/2017 7:20:35 PM> Filename: lk.bin , Offset: 000001D40000 , filesize: 244584 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:20:35 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:20:43 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:43 PM> Error erasing at address: 000001D40000 ... Retry #1
    8/17/2017 7:20:44 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:45 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 388.67 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:20:45 PM> Partition name: BOOTIMG
    8/17/2017 7:20:45 PM> Filename: boot.img , Offset: 000001DA0000 , filesize: 5943296 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:20:45 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:20:45 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:46 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:52 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 936.97 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:20:52 PM> Partition name: RECOVERY
    8/17/2017 7:20:52 PM> Filename: recovery.img , Offset: 0000027A0000 , filesize: 6336512 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:20:52 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:20:52 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:20:54 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:00 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 937.02 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:21:00 PM> Partition name: SEC_RO
    8/17/2017 7:21:00 PM> Filename: secro.img , Offset: 0000031A0000 , filesize: 135168 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:21:00 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:21:00 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:01 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:02 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 1136.82 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:21:02 PM> Partition name: LOGO
    8/17/2017 7:21:02 PM> Filename: logo.bin , Offset: 000003820000 , filesize: 513195 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:21:02 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:21:02 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:03 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:03 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 793.64 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:21:03 PM> Partition name: EBR2
    8/17/2017 7:21:03 PM> Filename: EBR2 , Offset: 000004020000 , filesize: 512 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:21:03 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:21:04 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:04 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:04 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 21.50 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:21:04 PM> Partition name: COTA
    8/17/2017 7:21:04 PM> Filename: cota.img , Offset: 000004120000 , filesize: 5070996 bytes
    8/17/2017 7:21:04 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/17/2017 7:21:05 PM> Erasing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:08 PM> Writing partition...
    8/17/2017 7:21:08 PM> Sparse image found v.1.0 Total chunks: 10
    8/17/2017 7:21:10 PM> Error writing at address: 000004273000 ... Retry #1
    8/17/2017 7:21:10 PM> Error writing at address: 000004273000 ... Retry #2
    8/17/2017 7:21:13 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 1123.94 Kb/s
    8/17/2017 7:21:13 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:21:13 PM> Writing DL_Info...
    8/17/2017 7:21:13 PM> Writing DL_Info done
    8/17/2017 7:21:13 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:21:13 PM> Writing eMMC Register ...
    8/17/2017 7:21:13 PM> Reg: 179 Value: 0x48
    8/17/2017 7:21:13 PM> Reg: 177 Value: 0x00
    8/17/2017 7:21:14 PM>
    8/17/2017 7:21:14 PM> All done
  2. 18/8/17 lúc 08:50


    Insane Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Ngày mới nhờ mọi người giúp đỡ
  3. 18/8/17 lúc 09:37


    No Life Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    sau khi write xong cho anh em nhìn cái log đó xem nào
    rom 2 và 3 hình như phải 4m chứ ko phải 2m
  4. 18/8/17 lúc 10:53


    Insane Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    em đã chia lại rồi vẫn không lên được anh
    Log đây ạ
    EMMC CID : 15010051375853414200DD96D49BA1E2
    EMMC CSD : D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400C
    EMMC Manufacturer ID: 0015 , OEM ID: 0100
    EMMC Date: 10/2014 Rev.0x0
    EMMC NAME: Q7XSAB , S/N: 3717649563
    EMMC NAME (HEX): 51375853414200
    EMMC ROM1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 7456 MB
    EMMC ROM2 (Boot Partition 1) Capacity: 4096 kB
    EMMC ROM3 (Boot Partition 2) Capacity: 4096 kB
    EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 4096 kB
    EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
    EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
    EMMC Password Locked: No
    Extended CSD rev 1.7 (MMC 5.0)
    Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG: 0x48] Boot from:ROM2 (Boot Partition 1)
    Boot bus config [177]: 0x00 , width 1bit , Partition config [179]: 0x48.
    H/W reset function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x01
    High-capacity W protect group size [HC_WP_GRP_SIZE: 0x00000000]
    Partitioning Support [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
    Device support partitioning feature
    Device can have enhanced tech.
    Partitioning Setting [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00

    Nhờ mọi người giúp đỡ ạ
  5. 18/8/17 lúc 11:37


    Insane Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    con này muốn chuẩn thì lấy kmk7x000vm thay là ok
  6. 18/8/17 lúc 11:49


    Insane Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Con này BGA221 anh ơi
    kmk7x000vm BGA162 sao dùng được anh
  7. 18/8/17 lúc 11:57


    Crazy Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    emmc mà chuẩn thì ko cần nạp gì hết chỉ cần boot rom 2 xong chạy là ok
    mtk cái cid chuẩn đóng vô là chạy trả cần nạp
  8. 18/8/17 lúc 12:08


    Insane Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Em mới lần đâu lam emmc, nhờ anh xem log có sai không ạ
    Em cảm ơn
  9. 23/8/17 lúc 23:28


    Junior Member

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    anh bán cái xác em nó không ạ.

Chia sẻ trang này