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D380 mất boot , PC nhận QHSUSB , Ok - Easy Jtag

Thảo luận trong 'LG ANDROID' bắt đầu bởi viettinh, 8/8/17.

  1. 8/8/17 lúc 21:44


    No Life Poster

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Nhận máy mất boot, cắm PC nhận QHSUSB.
    Thử repair = tool QPST thì lỗi k thấy HDD
    Mang Easy Jtag nạp boot.bin, Dump Rom1 vẫn như cũ.
    Đang tính thay EMMC thì nghĩ thôi tiện thể làm nốt cái Full Flash, và máy đã Done.
    Log :
    8/8/2017 8:17:13 PM>
    8/8/2017 8:17:22 PM> Looking for EasyJTAG box...
    8/8/2017 8:17:22 PM> EasyJTAG API ver. 2008
    8/8/2017 8:17:22 PM> Setting IO Levels to 2.8V
    8/8/2017 8:17:22 PM> Setting frequence to 14 Mhz
    8/8/2017 8:17:22 PM> HiPower mode is OFF
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> OpenUSB returned = 0
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Power Controller returned = 0
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EasyJTAG Box Serial = TCmobile
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EasyJTAG Box Firmware = 01.58
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> HiPower mode is OFF
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> CMD Pullup Level: 2072 mV
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> CMD Active Level: 2670 mV
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> eMMC Init returned = 0
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC Device Information :
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC CID: 90014A4834473164040500A1528051DE
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFFFFFFFEF8A4040D2
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC Manufacture Name: SKHYNIX
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC Manufacture ID: 0x90 , OEM ID: 014A
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC Manufacture Date: 5/2014 , Rev: 05
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC NAME: H4G1d , S/N: 00A15280 , rev. 05
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC NAME (HEX): 483447316404
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC ROM 1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 3728 MB (0000E9000000)
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC ROM 2/3 (Boot Partition 1/2) Capacity: 4096 KB (000000400000)
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 4096 KB (000000400000)
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Extended CSD rev: 1.6 (MMC 4.5, MMC 4.51)
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG]: 0x38 , Boot from: ROM1 (Main User Area)
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Boot Bus Config: 0x00 , width 1bit
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> H/W Reset Function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x00, RST_n signal is temporarily disabled
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Supported partition features [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Device supports partitioning features
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Device can have extended partitions attribute
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Partition Settings [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x01
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Backup saved: H4G1d_00A15280_20170808_201723.extcsd
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> EMMC Init completed.
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM>
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Writing to: ROM1 , start: 0x000000000000 , size: 0x0000E9000000
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> Input file: C:\Users\TC Mobile\Downloads\Compressed\D380_FullFlash.bin
    8/8/2017 8:17:23 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
    8/8/2017 8:17:24 PM> Writing partition...
    8/8/2017 9:14:20 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 1117.36 Kb/s

    Screenshot_1970-01-02-03-13-26. 20638109_326784954440894_6582416182570968381_n.

    Pinout và file Full trên Support Z3X có sãn.
    Nạp xong máy lên tiếng Liên xô, ACE nạp rom TV và Repair Imei nữa là Done.
    danngocho thích bài này.

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