Quá trình Jailbreak iPhone bằng Android được chia sẻ bởi thành viên stblr trên Reddit An iDevice compatible with checkra1n.An Android device with root access. Newer Linux and Android versions are more likely to work. I used a Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact on Android 10 with kernel 4.14, rooted with Magisk 20.3.A terminal app on your Android device, for instance Termux.A way to connect your two devices. In particular some of the Apple USB-C to Lightning cables cannot be used to put iDevices in DFU mode due to missing pins. I used the Exsys EX-47990 USB-C to USB-A adapter and the Apple USB-A to Lightning cable.Tutorial Download the checkra1n binary for Linux and the correct µarch of your Android device.Put it in a directory where execution is allowed, I used /data but the Termux virtual storage may be a cleaner solution.Connect your iDevice to it.Open the terminal app and gain root access. suCheck that your iDevice is recognized. lsusb The USB ID should be 05ac:12a8.Put your iDevice in DFU mode, see https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/DFU_Mode for instructions.Check that your iDevice is still recognized. lsusb Now the USB ID should be 05ac:1227. If it's no longer listed try to unplug the USB-C cable from the Android device and plug it again.Run checkra1n in CLI mode. ./checkra1n -cProfit! (or probably, try again since it's not very reliable)Nguồn : https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/fctkfp/news_it_is_possible_to_run_checkra1n_from_an/