như tiêu đề em muốn thay ổ cứng em nó , tình trạng máy bị treo logo , chạy done , nhưng vào bên trong rất chậm và ứng dụng buộc dừng . giờ em có easy z3x đời đầu , em muốn lấy emmc của j6 sang , xin hỏi ace là mình cần read file nào , và write fie nào vào ạ ?
Info emmc J415F. Cần Dump gì cũng có cứ phang mạnh Mã:Found 2 serial devices COM1 ACPI\VEN_PNP&DEV_0501 Communications Port (COM1) COM17 USB\VID_0325&PID_0032&REV_0100&MI_00 EasyJTAG Command Port (COM17) Selected pinout: EasyJTAG GEN1 ISP Pinout Change EasyJTAG Pinout OK Z3X EasyJtag Software ver. Loading eMMC GEN1 Firmware... IO: 2800 mV Box S/N: 09FF700D5AAACE38, ,FW Ver.: 01.63 CMD Pullup Level:2670 mV CMD Active Level:2763 mV Box IO Level:2800 mV CLK Rate:14000 kHz Bus Width:1bit,SDR HiPower mode is off! ---------- eMMC Device Information ---------- eMMC CID : 150100514536334D42001CE8D229B5E6 eMMC CSD : D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400C eMMC Manufacturer ID: 0015 , OEM ID: 0100 eMMC Date: 11/2018 Rev.0x0 eMMC NAME: QE63MB , S/N: 485020201 eMMC NAME (HEX): 514536334D42 IC Name: Samsung , KMQE60013M-B318/16GB @BGA221 EMMC ROM1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 15028 MB EMMC ROM2 (Boot Partition 1) Capacity: 4096 kB EMMC ROM3 (Boot Partition 2) Capacity: 4096 kB EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 16384 kB EMMC RPMB is programmed and written 133 times EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No EMMC Password Locked: No Extended CSD rev 1.8 (MMC 5.1) Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG: 0x38] Boot from:ROM1 (Main User Area) Boot bus config [177]: 0x00 , width 1bit , Partition config [179]: 0x38. H/W reset function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x01 High-capacity WP group size [HC_WP_GRP_SIZE: 0x00004000] Partitioning Support [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07 Device support partitioning feature Device can have enhanced tech. Partitioning Setting [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00 --------------------------------------------- Backup saved: QE63MB_ 485020201_20200608_1726.extcsd Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT. Real (Hardware) Disk/Image size: 1D5A000 sectors 14.7 GiB Soft (Partitioned) Disk/Image size: 1D59FBC sectors 14.7 GiB Disk identifier (GUID): 98101B32-BBE2-4BF2-A06E-2BB33D000C20 Logical sector size: 0x200 bytes ,First/Last usable sector: 34,30777310 Partition info successfully found ------ Detected 53 partitions ------ P0 (SBL1) [0x400000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB P1 (SBL1BAK) [0x480000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB P2 (DDR) [0x500000 0x8000] Size: 32.0KB P3 (LIMITS) [0x508000 0x8000] Size: 32.0KB P4 (ABOOT) [0x510000 0x200000] Size: 2.0MB P5 (RPM) [0x710000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB P6 (TZ) [0x790000 0x200000] Size: 2.0MB P7 (HYP) [0x990000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB P8 (DEVCFG) [0xa10000 0x40000] Size: 256.0KB P9 (FSG) [0xa50000 0x300000] Size: 3.0MB P10 (SEC) [0xd50000 0x4000] Size: 16.0KB P11 (KEYMASTER) [0xd54000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB P12 (CMNLIB) [0xdd4000 0x40000] Size: 256.0KB P13 (CMNLIB64) [0xe14000 0x40000] Size: 256.0KB P14 (LKSECAPP) [0xe54000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB P15 (APDP) [0xed4000 0x40000] Size: 256.0KB P16 (MDSAP) [0xf14000 0x40000] Size: 256.0KB P17 (PAD) [0xf54000 0xac000] Size: 688.0KB P18 (MODEMST1) [0x1000000 0x300000] Size: 3.0MB P19 (MODEMST2) [0x1300000 0x300000] Size: 3.0MB P20 (PARAM) [0x1600000 0xa00000] Size: 10.0MB P21 (EFS) [0x2000000 0xe00000] Size: 14.0MB P22 (BOOT) [0x2e00000 0x2000000] Size: 32.0MB P23 (RECOVERY) [0x4e00000 0x2000000] Size: 32.0MB P24 (DTBO) [0x6e00000 0x800000] Size: 8.0MB P25 (BOTA) [0x7600000 0x700000] Size: 7.0MB P26 (FOTA) [0x7d00000 0x500400] Size: 5.0MB P27 (BACKUP) [0x8200400 0x5fec00] Size: 5.995MB P28 (FSC) [0x87ff000 0x300000] Size: 3.0MB P29 (SSD) [0x8aff000 0x2000] Size: 8.0KB P30 (PERSIST) [0x8b01000 0x2000000] Size: 32.0MB P31 (PERSISTENT) [0xab01000 0x100000] Size: 1.0MB P32 (MISC) [0xac01000 0x100000] Size: 1.0MB P33 (STEADY) [0xad01000 0x400000] Size: 4.0MB P34 (KEYSTORE) [0xb101000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB P35 (CONFIG) [0xb181000 0x8000] Size: 32.0KB P36 (MOTA) [0xb189000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB P37 (DPO) [0xb209000 0x40000] Size: 256.0KB P38 (MDTP) [0xb249000 0x10000] Size: 64.0KB P39 (DIP) [0xb259000 0x100000] Size: 1.0MB P40 (OEM) [0xb359000 0x10000] Size: 64.0KB P41 (MCFG) [0xb369000 0x400000] Size: 4.0MB P42 (DSP) [0xb769000 0x1000000] Size: 16.0MB P43 (MODEM) [0xc769000 0x5b97000] Size: 91.589MB P44 (APNHLOS) [0x12300000 0x3200000] Size: 50.0MB P45 (RESERVED2) [0x15500000 0x300000] Size: 3.0MB P46 (SYSTEM) [0x15800000 0x9c000000] Size: 2.437GB P47 (VENDOR) [0xb1800000 0x13000000] Size: 304.0MB P48 (ODM) [0xc4800000 0x13000000] Size: 304.0MB P49 (CACHE) [0xd7800000 0x6800000] Size: 104.0MB P50 (HIDDEN) [0xde000000 0x800000] Size: 8.0MB P51 (OMR) [0xde800000 0x1400000] Size: 20.0MB P52 (USERDATA) [0xdfc00000 0x2cb7fb000] Size: 11.178GB ------------------------------------ ------ Android information ------ Detected LINUX(Android) SYSTEM : 0x0015800000 (2.437GB) Build ID: PQ3A.190705.003 Display Build ID: aosp_j4primelte-userdebug 9 PQ3A.190705.003 90170ea20a release-keys Release Incremental ID: 90170ea20a Release Base ID: 9 Device Model: Galaxy J4+ Device Name: aosp_j4primelte Architecture ABI: armeabi-v7a Device manufacturer: Samsung Product ID: j4primelte Build Description: j4primeltedx-user 9 PPR1.180610.011 J415FXXU2BSDM release-keys --------------------------------------------- Detected USERDATA USERDATA : 0x00DFC00000 (11.178GB) Unable to read gesture.key , code 2 Done. Selected eMMC Interface Chân cẳng chắc chắn, dọn cũng nhàn