Máy khách rơi đất mở nguồn lên nokia rồi tắt,bỏ vào Jaf chạy không đồng bộ được ae xem log Booting phone... CMT Boot Data: Asic ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 Asic Mode ID: 00 Asic EM ID: 00000353 Asic Public ID: 0CA0001832097F569C34CB5697A20CCE2854E941 HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B100000000 ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F CMT Boot File: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\rap3gv3_2nd.fg Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Done! Restarting phone...Done! FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: NONE PPM Flash file: NONE CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Switching to serial... Powering the phone... Failed! Aborting! FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: NONE PPM Flash file: NONE CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Phone Type: FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: NONE PPM Flash file: NONE CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Phone Type: FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.mcusw PPM Flash file: NONE CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Phone Type: FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.mcusw PPM Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.ppm_v_zopo CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Phone Type: FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.mcusw PPM Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.ppm_v_zopo CNT Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.image_v_socola APE Variant file: NONE Backing up CRT data... Setting FLASH MODE Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Reading CMT NPC certificate... Reading CMT VARIANT certificate... VARIANT CRT empty, skip save... Reading CMT CCC certificate... Reading CMT HWC certificate... Saved to C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\ProgData\35321503652551_CRT_backup_1037261.rpl Backup CRT OK! Backing up SIMLOCK data... Setting local mode... Failed! Aborting! Failed to backup LCK... Manual mode selected, version can't be checked! Booting phone... CMT Boot Data: Asic ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 Asic Mode ID: 00 Asic EM ID: 00000353 Asic Public ID: 0CA0001832097F569C34CB5697A20CCE2854E941 HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B100000000 ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F CMT Boot File: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\rap3gv3_2nd.fg Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Operation took 0 minutes 4 seconds... Sending CRT data... No convertion block detected or file already converted. Erasing... Operation took 0 minutes 45 seconds... Writing... Stage 1 Sending CMT HASH for NOLO Sending CMT HASH for KEYS Sending CMT HASH for PRIMAPP Sending CMT HASH for PASUBTOC Sending CMT PUB KEYS... Sending CMT HASH for UPDAPP Sending CMT HASH for DSP0 Sending CMT HASH for MCUSW Sending CMT HASH for PMM_CONF Sending CMT HASH for SBIF_CONF Operation took 5 minutes 0 seconds... Reseting phone... PPM: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.ppm_v_zopo Booting phone... CMT Boot Data: Asic ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 Asic Mode ID: 00 Asic EM ID: 00000353 Asic Public ID: 0CA0001832097F569C34CB5697A20CCE2854E941 HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B100000000 ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F CMT Boot File: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\rap3gv3_2nd.fg Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Operation took 0 minutes 5 seconds... No convertion block detected or file already converted. Erasing... Operation took 0 minutes 16 seconds... Writing... Stage 1 Operation took 1 minutes 50 seconds... Reseting phone... CNT: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.image_v_socola Booting phone... CMT Boot Data: Asic ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 Asic Mode ID: 00 Asic EM ID: 00000353 Asic Public ID: 0CA0001832097F569C34CB5697A20CCE2854E941 HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B100000000 ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F CMT Boot File: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\rap3gv3_2nd.fg Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Operation took 0 minutes 5 seconds... Erasing... Operation took 0 minutes 29 seconds... Writing... Writing converted flash to 128k page Operation took 1 minutes 59 seconds... Reseting phone... Done! Total time: 10 Minutes, 36 Seconds DCT4/BB5 counter: 123 After flash processing... Waiting for phone to boot... Failed! Aborting! FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: NONE PPM Flash file: NONE CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Switching to serial... Powering the phone... Failed! Aborting! Phone Type: FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.mcusw PPM Flash file: NONE CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Phone Type: FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.mcusw PPM Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.ppm_v_zopo CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Phone Type: FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.mcusw PPM Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.ppm_v_zopo CNT Flash file: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.image_v_socola APE Variant file: NONE Backing up CRT data... Setting FLASH MODE Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Reading CMT NPC certificate... Reading CMT VARIANT certificate... VARIANT CRT empty, skip save... Reading CMT CCC certificate... Reading CMT HWC certificate... Saved to C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\ProgData\35321503652551_CRT_backup_124261.rpl Backup CRT OK! Backing up SIMLOCK data... Setting local mode... Failed! Aborting! Failed to backup LCK... Manual mode selected, version can't be checked! Booting phone... CMT Boot Data: Asic ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 Asic Mode ID: 00 Asic EM ID: 00000353 Asic Public ID: 0CA0001832097F569C34CB5697A20CCE2854E941 HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B100000000 ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F CMT Boot File: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\rap3gv3_2nd.fg Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Operation took 0 minutes 5 seconds... Sending CRT data... No convertion block detected or file already converted. Erasing... Operation took 0 minutes 45 seconds... Writing... Stage 1 Sending CMT HASH for NOLO Sending CMT HASH for KEYS Sending CMT HASH for PRIMAPP Sending CMT HASH for PASUBTOC Sending CMT PUB KEYS... Sending CMT HASH for UPDAPP Sending CMT HASH for DSP0 Sending CMT HASH for MCUSW Sending CMT HASH for PMM_CONF Sending CMT HASH for SBIF_CONF Operation took 4 minutes 58 seconds... Reseting phone... PPM: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.ppm_v_zopo Booting phone... CMT Boot Data: Asic ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 Asic Mode ID: 00 Asic EM ID: 00000353 Asic Public ID: 0CA0001832097F569C34CB5697A20CCE2854E941 HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B100000000 ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F CMT Boot File: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\rap3gv3_2nd.fg Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Operation took 0 minutes 5 seconds... No convertion block detected or file already converted. Erasing... Operation took 0 minutes 16 seconds... Writing... Stage 1 Operation took 1 minutes 51 seconds... Reseting phone... CNT: C:\Users\Amai\Downloads\Compressed\6300 rm-217 tieng viet 7.30\RM-217\rm217__07.30.image_v_socola Booting phone... CMT Boot Data: Asic ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 Asic Mode ID: 00 Asic EM ID: 00000353 Asic Public ID: 0CA0001832097F569C34CB5697A20CCE2854E941 HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B100000000 ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F CMT Boot File: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\rap3gv3_2nd.fg Loader version: 01.1E.00 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT boot step1... Patching CMT boot step2... Patching CMT boot step3... CMT Boot Ready CMT Flash ID: 220800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> K8F5615ETM/K5G5629ATD CMT Flash Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CMT Loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\Flash\RAP3Gv3_algo.fg Loader version: 01.21.01 -> Revision: 0000 Patching CMT loader step1... Patching CMT loader step3... CMT Loader Ready Operation took 0 minutes 5 seconds... Erasing... Operation took 0 minutes 18 seconds... Writing... Writing converted flash to 128k page Operation took 1 minutes 59 seconds... Reseting phone... Done! Total time: 10 Minutes, 24 Seconds DCT4/BB5 counter: 124 After flash processing... Waiting for phone to boot... Failed! Aborting!