minh cài ver 11.80 rồi ko tài nào mà boot đc máy toàn báo lỗi ghost lại cả wwin luôn ver thấp hơn cũng vậy anh em nào gặp tình trạng trên làm qua rồi chỉ giúp với ====================================================== Windows Phone 8/8.1 Lumia Flasher ====================================================== If the Phone is ALIVE 1. Power On the Phone and Connect it to the USB Port If the Phone is DEAD 1. Connect Phone to the USB Port 2. Press and Hold the VOLUME DOWN and POWER Buttons 3. Wait until the Phone Vibrates Shortly... 4. Stop Pressing the Buttons... ====================================================== ====================================================== ERROR: Active Phone Handle was NOT DETECTED ====================================================== ====================================================== ERROR: Flashing Failed!