Tình trạng máy lên nokia rồi tắt . Mình flash = ATF báo lổi , ae nào từng làm qua rồi giúp mình với thanks Nokia Android Phone Flashing Started ====================================================== Nokia Android Firmware Flasher ====================================================== If the Phone is ALIVE 1. Power On the Phone and Connect it to the USB Port If the Phone is DEAD 1. Press and Hold the VOLUME DOWN button 2. Connect it to the USB Port while still Pressing the VOLUME DOWN button 3. Continue to Press the VOLUME DOWN button for 15 more seconds ====================================================== Emergency Loader Found! Sending FireHose Loader...
Giống quá ha... . load ver 11.80 flash 1 nhát done Nokia Android Phone Flashing Started ================================================== ==== Nokia Android Firmware Flasher ================================================== ==== If the Phone is ALIVE 1. Power On the Phone and Connect it to the USB Port If the Phone is DEAD 1. Press and Hold the VOLUME DOWN button 2. Connect it to the USB Port while still Pressing the VOLUME DOWN button 3. Continue to Press the VOLUME DOWN button for 15 more seconds ================================================== ==== Emergency Loader Found! Sending FireHose Loader... Starting FireHose Loader... FireHose Loader Accepted! Start Sending Files... BOOT Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_boot.img Partition Write OK! CACHE Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_cache_1.img Partition Write OK! ABOOT Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_emmc_appsboot.mbn Partition Write OK! ABOOTBAK Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_emmc_appsboot.mbn Partition Write OK! MISC Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_misc_erase.img Partition Write OK! MODEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_NON-HLOS.bin Partition Write OK! RECOVERY Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_recovery.img Partition Write OK! RPM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_rpm.mbn Partition Write OK! RPMBAK Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_rpm.mbn Partition Write OK! SBL1 Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_sbl1.mbn Partition Write OK! SBL1BAK Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_sbl1.mbn Partition Write OK! SDI Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_sdi.mbn Partition Write OK! TZ Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_tz.mbn Partition Write OK! TZBAK Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_tz.mbn Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_1.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_10.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_11.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_2.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_3.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_4.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_5.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_6.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_7.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_8.img Partition Write OK! SYSTEM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_system_9.img Partition Write OK! CUSTOM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_059W0W0_001.custom_1.img Partition Write OK! CUSTOM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_059W0W0_001.custom_2.img Partition Write OK! CUSTOM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_059W0W0_001.custom_3.img Partition Write OK! CUSTOM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_059W0W0_001.custom_4.img Partition Write OK! CUSTOM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_059W0W0_001.custom_5.img Partition Write OK! CUSTOM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_059W0W0_001.custom_6.img Partition Write OK! CUSTOM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_059W0W0_001.custom_7.img Partition Write OK! CUSTOM Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_059W0W0_001.custom_8.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_1.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_10.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_11.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_12.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_13.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_14.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_15.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_16.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_17.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_18.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_19.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_2.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_20.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_21.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_22.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_23.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_24.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_3.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_4.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_5.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_6.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_7.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_8.img Partition Write OK! USERDATA Partition Write: rm1013_2.1.0.11_user_userdata_9.img Partition Write OK! Sending All Files Done! Total Flashing Time (Erase + Flashing) : 00:02:15 Restarting Phone... Wait 1 to 3 Minutes for Phone First Boot