anh em gặp qua nhẹ tay Selected USB connection type Work ID: 000000000180E004 Checking data...OK Platform: LG MTK Selected port: COM6 Selected baudrate: 921600 Selected model: K420YM Connecting to phone... Phone found at port COM5 Mode: Emergency Initializing flash...OK Model ID: LM-K420YM Platform: mt6765 Code name: meh15lm Android version: 10 SW version: LMK420YMAT-01-V10a-505-03-SEP-01-2020+0 LAF Version: 1.1 Product ID: 11JFD026V6RP00V0H IMEI: 356590-11-054313-9 Target operator: LAO Hardware: rev_11 Battery level: 98% Reading partitions...OK LAF Error: 80000119. Checking security...OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMEI: 356590-11-054313-9 Bluetooth address: Unknown Wi-Fi MAC address: Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write security backup function doesn't work for this device with latest firmware versions. If you'll encounter any problem during Unlock operation - you won't be able to restore the phone to it's initial state, so proceed at your own risk. Continue? Creating EEPROM backup...OK Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Reading security area... Backup saved to "K420YM_356590110543139_24-06-2022_11-24-24.EEP" Connecting to server 0...OK Octopus smart card is present. Checking smart card...OK Username: hoanghieu797 Authorizing...OK Checking balance...OK Checking operation...OK Sending device information...OK Get credits, needed for current operation...OK Your balance: 100 credits. To perform "Unlock" operation you need to have 100 credits. Unlocking...OK Writing security area... Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Writing security area...OK Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Reading partitions...OK Prepairing for change protect status... Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Removing write protection...OK Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Reading partitions...OK Erasing part 1...OK Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Erasing part 2...OK Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Reading partitions...OK Prepairing for change protect status... Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Restore write protection...OK Connecting to phone... Initializing flash...OK Reading partitions...OK Phone successfully unlocked!