Checking data...OK Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM11 Selected model: B450 Reading info...OK Mode: Normal Model ID: LGB450 Firmware compiled date: JUL 22 2014 Firmware compiled time: 22:00:00 Firmware released date: Jul 22 2014 Firmware released time: 23:03:53 SW Version: LGB450-QSC6270-V10b-JUL-22-2014-TMO-US IMEI: 014082-00-188554-2 Bluetooth address: 34:FC:EF:87E:00 Switching to Download mode... Please perform the following steps: 1. Disconnect cable 2. Put phone into download mode manually (Reconnect battery, press and hold "2" + "5" + "Power ON" keys) 3. Connect cable and press "Ok" button.OK Unlocking... Sending loader...OK Initializing flash...OK Reading security area...OK Backup saved to "B450_014082001885542_01-06-2020_16-19-13.SEC" Analyzing security...OK IMEI: 014082-00-188554-2 Bluetooth address: 34:FC:EF:87E:00 Writing security area...OK Phone successfully unlocked! Please, reboot the phone manually.