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BEST Infinity Nokia dongle update new here

Thảo luận trong 'THIẾT BỊ HỖ TRỢ SỬA CHỮA.' bắt đầu bởi namnhatrang, 18/11/16.

  1. 18/11/16 lúc 10:21



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.24 - Nokia 216 support and NaviManager update

    Nokia 216 (RM-1187,R M-1188) support activated
    - Identify
    - Format FS
    - UserCode reset ( without data lost )
    - Write firmare ( Complete / LangPack change / Repair mode )
    - RPL operations: Read/Write/Repair/ResetLifeTimer
    - Dump full flash
    - Extract Phonebook
    - SelfTest

    BEST now cover all exisitng MTK phones ( 27 models in total )

    - FlashLoader package updated
    - MTKx 626x flash engine updated

    - Service operations improved
    MTKx: Improved "Security Repair" feature
    MTKx: Improved RPL operations

    - NaviManager updated
    Nokia 216 ( RM-1187, MTKx ) included in NaviBase
    Nokia 216 ( RM-1188, MTKx ) included in NaviBase

    Revised Downloader engine
    Download by product code improved and revised

    - Other
    Some bugfixes and improvements at all
    INI updated

    Download link #1

    Download link #2

    Download link #3
  2. 19/11/16 lúc 15:22



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.25 - Nokia MTKx 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled !

    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.25 - Nokia MTKx 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled !

    - Service operations improved
    MTKx: Improved "Security Repair" feature

    - SPUnlock operations improved
    Nokia MTKx 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled
    All existing Nokia phones supported :
    Nokia 105 ( all RM-alias )
    Nokia 108 ( all RM-alias )
    Nokia 130 ( all RM-alias )
    Nokia 215 ( all RM-alias )
    Nokia 216 ( all RM-alias )
    Nokia 220 ( all RM-alias )
    Nokia 222 ( all RM-alias )
    Nokia 225 ( all RM-alias )
    Nokia 230 ( all RM-alias )

    - Other
    Some bugfixes and improvements at all

    Download link #1

    Download link #2

    Download link #3
  3. 22/3/17 lúc 22:26

    mới học nghề

    Major Poster

    mới học nghề
    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.26 - Lumia 640 USB Boot Repair fix, NaviManager changes

    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.26 - Lumia 640 USB Boot Repair fix, NaviManager changes

    - Lumia Flash Engine updated

    - Boot repair procedure now supported for Lumia 640 line!
    FIXED: RM-1062 Lumia 640 XL LTE
    FIXED: RM-1066 Lumia 640 XL
    FIXED: RM-1067 Lumia 640 XL DualSim
    NEW: RM-1074 Lumia 640 LTE
    FIXED: RM-1075 Lumia 640 DualSim
    FIXED: RM-1077 Lumia 640 DualSim
    FIXED: RM-1113 Lumia 640 LTE DualSim

    Now you can repair this phones boots easy, fast and over USB.

    *Note: LumiaRepairPack_v1.05 must be installed !

    - NaviManager updated
    Changes in download engine
    Link genereation also show links in log ( remember about they have limit lifitime! )
    PC Downloader: New MS-notation product code download support
    Codes like M10XXXXX-001 (MS-notation) and old 059XXXX (Nokia-notation)

    - Other
    Some bugfixes and improvements at all

    Download link #1 - Download link #2 - Download link #3

    Upload files to Support - Flash Files Database - iosFileUploader
    Download files from Support - Flash Files Torrent system

    - Infinity-Box - News - Infinity-Box 12 years (2005 - 2017) updates and support as nobody else
    - Infinity-Box Online Service - Unlock Codes (Huawei, SE, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations

    - Infinity-Box/Dongle
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)

    Twitter - Facebook - Telegram
  4. 28/3/17 lúc 21:25


    Super Moderator

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity [BEST] Lumia Repair Pack v1.06 - New models included

    Lumia Repair Pack v1.06 - New models included

    Lumia 540 Line repair now available over USB!
    RM-1099 variant of Lumia 430 supported!

    NEW PACKAGE : RM-1099 Lumia 430 Dual SIM
    NEW PACKAGE : RM-1140 Lumia 540 Dual SIM
    NEW PACKAGE : RM-1141 Lumia 540 Dual SIM

    Use [BEST] version 2.26 and higher !

    Download link #1 - Download link #2 - Download link #3
  5. 4/4/17 lúc 20:18



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.27 - HDM Nokia 150 Supported

    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.27 - HDM Nokia 150 Supported

    - MTKx Flash Engine updated
    Loaders package updated to v1635
    MTK6261 Nokia 150 support activated ( RM-1189, RM-1190 )

    - NaviManager updated
    New models included:
    RM-1189: HDM Nokia 150 SS
    RM-1190: HDM Nokia 150 DS
    Other changes and fixes

    - Nokia 150 line support activated :
    Factory Firmware Flashing ( Normal, Dead, Repair, Language Change )
    Reset Settings / Format FS
    Read Flash
    Read RPL
    Write RPL
    Reset, Edit LifeTimer
    Repair Mode ( RPL )
    Reset NCK counter
    Reset UserCode ( UserData Safe )
    Recover PhoneBook

    - Service operations improved
    MTKx: RPL operations revised , Nokia 150 line supported
    MTKx: Format FS / Reset Settiongs revised

    - UserData operations improved
    MTKx: PhoneBook extraction revised

    - Other
    Ini updated and revised
    Some bugfixes and improvements at all

    Download link #1 - Download link #2 - Download link #3
  6. 10/4/17 lúc 21:42



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Lumia Repair Pack v1.08 - New models included

    Lumia Repair Pack v1.08 - New models included

    Complete Lumia 640 Line repair supported over USB!

    NEW PACKAGE : RM-1150 Lumia 650
    NEW PACKAGE : RM-1152 Lumia 650
    NEW PACKAGE : RM-1153 Lumia 650
    NEW PACKAGE : RM-1154 Lumia 650 Dual SIM

    Download link

    Upload file to Support - Download files via Torrent

    Infinity-Box 12 years (2005 - 2017) updates and support as nobody else - News

    Twitter - Facebook - Telegram
  7. 12/4/17 lúc 20:09



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.28 - MTK, NXP and Lumia mixed update

    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.28 - MTK, NXP and Lumia mixed update

    - Lumia Flash Engine updated
    Boot repair procedure improved for some models

    - Boot repair procedure cover more phones (LumiaRepairPack v6/v7/v8)
    RM-1099 Lumia 430 Dual SIM
    RM-1140 Lumia 540 Dual SIM
    RM-1141 Lumia 540 Dual SIM
    RM-1063 Lumia 640 XL LTE
    RM-1064 Lumia 640 XL LTE
    RM-1065 Lumia 640 XL Dual SIM
    RM-1150 Lumia 650
    RM-1152 Lumia 650
    RM-1153 Lumia 650
    RM-1154 Lumia 650 Dual SIM

    Note: LumiaRepairPack_v1.08 must be installed - Lumia Repair Pack v1.08 - New models included

    - MTK Flash Engine upated
    Fixed Nokia 105 support ( broken in 2.27 )
    Other improvements and fixes

    WARNING : latest Nokia phones NOT allow downgrade SW version anymore!!!
    If you got "Contact Service" after flashing - then it mean you donwgrade phone!
    Check SW version in phone, before flash it!

    - NXP flash engine updated
    Enabled HW revision check in DEAD mode flashing for Nokia X, Nokia XL
    Feature prevent cross-flashing from v2 to v1 and vice versa.
    You not need play in "guess which HW?" game anymore, when you get dead device without sticker.
    Other improvements and fixes in flashing process for NXP and NXP2 devices.

    - NaviManager updated
    Changes in download engine
    By default NaviManager alway will try query latest available FW version

    - Other
    Improved DataExtraction from MTK phones with semi-broken FS
    Some bugfixes and improvements at all

    Download link

    Upload file to Support

    Infinity-Box 12 years (2005 - 2017) updates and support as nobody else - News
  8. 5/5/17 lúc 16:30



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.29 - MTK Nokia Firmware Reader/Maker and more

    Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.29 - MTK Nokia Firmware Reader/Maker and more

    - MTKx Flash Engine updated
    Automatic "Repair Mode" enable, if device have damaged ROM
    Infinity ( Factory-Like ) FW flashing support

    - xCNT tool updated
    MediaTek tab activated
    Allow make firmware for MTK phones from read dump

    Supported lines:
    Nokia 108: RM-944, RM-945, RM-1124
    Nokia 220: RM-969, RM-970, RM-971, RM-1125
    Nokia 225: RM-1011, RM-1012, RM-1043
    Nokia 130: RM-1035, RM-1036, RM-1037, RM-1122
    Nokia 215: RM-1110, RM-1111, RM-1112
    Nokia 105: RM-1133, RM-1134, RM-1135
    Nokia 222: RM-1136, RM-1137
    Nokia 230: RM-1172, RM-1173
    Nokia 216: RM-1187, RM-1188
    Nokia 150: RM-1189, RM-1190

    Result FW is like factory one, which contain all need part to complete reflash or langpack change.

    Older models below Nokia 105 are supported as backward compatibility. Almost not required to use.
    Main use:
    1. Make firmwares for HMD phones which are NOT available YET!
    2. MTKx Legacy/HMD models problem solution: read FW from HMD devices (sw11 and newer)
    Optional use: Make firmwares with required LANGPACK which are NOT available YET!

    - Service operations revised
    MTKx: FlahIC detection on flash read improved for some devices
    MTKx: Dump reading more faster now
    NXP: HW revision verification has made problems for some rare X+ and XL+ models, fixed

    - Other
    Some bugfixes and improvements at all

    MTKx Legacy/HMD models:
    Those phones may have 2 version of firmware (old and new sec)
    Nokia 150 (it has legacy and hmd version)
    Nokia 105, Nokia 130, Nokia 216, Nokia 222, Nokia 230: probably two versions are available
    CS problem after flashing may be a result of flashing different version. Just reflash to another one ( SW10: LEGACY, SW11 and newer: HMD )

    MS will CLOSE WHOLE Windows Mobile support at June 2017.
    What will be with servers with firmwares - no one knows, but MS politic is simple - close and forget!
    If you have chance, free drive space and good inet: DOWNLOAD ALL NEED FIRMWARES!
    There will be NO newer versions anymore other than existing ones.

    Download link #1 - Download link #2 - Download link #3

    Upload file to Support - Download files via Torrent

    Infinity-Box 12 years (2005 - 2017) updates and support as nobody else - News

    Twitter - Facebook - Telegram
  9. 23/8/17 lúc 17:46



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.00 - Nokia HMD edition

    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.00 - Nokia HMD edition

    ATTENTION: To use this software you should copy licence file license_xxxxxxxx.dat from /BEST/ folder to /BEST2/ folder

    Nokia 5 Line:
    D1E (TA-1024) WW
    D1L (TA-1027) WW
    D1L (TA-1044) WW
    D1A (TA-1053) WW

    Nokia 6 Line:
    D1C (TA-1000) CN
    D1C (TA-1003) CN
    D1C (TA-1021) WW
    D1C (TA-1025) WW
    D1C (TA-1033) WW
    D1C (TA-1039) WW

    Supported features:

    Identify ( Device Info / Version / Revision / SKU / Branding )
    Format FS / Reset Settings
    Reset FRP ( Google Reset Protection )

    Backup Device Security ( Include OTA details, Unique Device Details, QCN calibrations )
    Restore Device Security
    Repair Device Security
    Repair Connectivity Items ( BT/WiFi )
    Repair PSN
    Repair Unknown BaseBand ( Security-Safe )

    Write Firmware ( Infinity Format )
    Read Firmware ( Infinity Format )
    - Firmware, made by BEST NOT DAMAGE any device security!
    - Firmware, made by BEST NOT DAMAGE any OTA compatibility!

    Memory Tool ( Customization/Recovery/PartialFlashing )

    - Use Nokia Care Emergency drivers ( same as for Lumia/NXP )
    - Use EDL cable to force Flash mode
    - Security Repair feature also allow repair IMEI. Device IMEI manipulation is STRICTLY PROHIBITED BY LAW !
    Use Security Repair feature only if you local laws allow to do that and ONLY FOR ORIGINAL DEVICE IMEI REPAIR purposes !
    Security Repair feature is DISABLED by default !

    Discussion and download link - Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.00 - Nokia HMD edition
  10. 4/10/17 lúc 08:24



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.01 - Nokia 8 Full Support

    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.01 - Nokia 8 Full Support

    Nokia 8 Line :
    NB1 4GiB (TA-1004) WW
    NB1 4GiB (TA-1012) WW
    NB1 6GiB (TA-1004) WW
    NB1 6GiB (TA-1012) WW
    B1C 4GiB (TA-1052) HK

    Nokia 8 Line features supported:
    Identify ( Device Info / Version / Revision / SKU / Branding )
    Format FS / Reset Settings
    Reset FRP ( Google Reset Protection )

    Backup Device Security ( Include OTA details, Unique Device Details, QCN calibrations )
    Restore Device Security
    Repair Device Security
    Repair Connectivity Items ( BT/WiFi )
    Repair PSN
    Repair Unknown BaseBand ( Security-Safe )

    Write Firmware ( Infinity Format )
    Read Firmware ( Infinity Format )
    - Firmware, made by BEST NOT DAMAGE any device security!
    - Firmware, made by BEST NOT DAMAGE any OTA compatibility!
    - A-B OTA/UPDATE architecture supported!

    Memory Tool ( Customization/Recovery/PartialFlashing )

    Generic :
    Identify in [FTM] mode supported ( NK 3-5-6-8 )
    Unlock BootLoader ( NOKIA 8 LINE ONLY ) : Allow boot device to Service Mode
    Restore BootLoader ( NOKIA 8 LINE ONLY ) : Allow restore device to normal mode

    Changes :
    FRP unlock improved
    Repair Security revised
    Firmware Reding improved
    Firmware Flashing revised

    Supported devices list :
    D1E (TA-1024) WW (Nokia 5)
    D1L (TA-1027) WW (Nokia 5)
    D1L (TA-1044) WW (Nokia 5)
    D1A (TA-1053) WW (Nokia 5)
    D1C (TA-1000) CN (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1003) CN (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1021) WW (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1025) WW (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1033) WW (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1039) WW (Nokia 6)
    NB1 4GiB (TA-1004) WW (Nokia 8)
    NB1 4GiB (TA-1012) WW (Nokia 8)
    NB1 6GiB (TA-1004) WW (Nokia 8)
    NB1 6GiB (TA-1012) WW (Nokia 8)
    B1C 4GiB (TA-1052) HK (Nokia 8)

    Info :
    - Use Nokia Care Emergency drivers ( same as for Lumia/NXP )
    - Use Unlock/Restore BootLoader for Nokia 8 devices!

    Discussion and download links - Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.01 - Nokia 8 Full Support
  11. 4/12/17 lúc 17:40



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.02 - Nokia 2 Full Support

    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.02 - Nokia 2 Full Support

    ATTENTION: To use this software you should copy licence file license_xxxxxxxx.dat from /BEST/ folder to /BEST2/ folder

    Nokia 2 Line:
    E1A (TA-1007) WW (Nokia 2)
    E1A (TA-1029) WW (Nokia 2)
    E1I (TA-1011) WW (Nokia 2)
    E1L (TA-1023) WW (Nokia 2)
    E1L (TA-1035) WW (Nokia 2)

    Nokia 2 Line features supported:
    Identify ( Device Info / Version / Revision / SKU / Branding )
    Format FS / Reset Settings
    Reset FRP ( Google Reset Protection )

    Backup Device Security ( Include OTA details, Unique Device Details, QCN calibrations )
    Restore Device Security
    Repair Device Security
    Repair Connectivity Items ( BT/WiFi )
    Repair PSN
    Repair Unknown BaseBand ( Security-Safe )

    Write Firmware ( Infinity Format )
    Read Firmware ( Infinity Format )
    - Firmware made by BEST DO NOT DAMAGE any device security!
    - Firmware made by BEST DO NOT DAMAGE any OTA compatibility!
    - A-B OTA/UPDATE architecture supported!

    Memory Tool ( Customization/Recovery/PartialFlashing )

    Identify in [FTM] mode updated ( NK 2-3-5-6-8 )
    Unlock BootLoader ( NOKIA 8 and 2 LINE ONLY ): Allow boot device to Service Mode
    Restore BootLoader ( NOKIA 8 and 2 LINE ONLY ): Allow restore device to normal mode

    FRP unlock improved
    Repair Security revised
    Firmware Reding improved
    Firmware Flashing revised
    Nokia 8 Recover Boot procedure revised ( new versions supported )
    Boot speed optimized for Nokia 8 line

    Supported devices list:
    D1E (TA-1024) WW (Nokia 5)
    D1L (TA-1027) WW (Nokia 5)
    D1L (TA-1044) WW (Nokia 5)
    D1A (TA-1053) WW (Nokia 5)
    D1C (TA-1000) CN (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1003) CN (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1021) WW (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1025) WW (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1033) WW (Nokia 6)
    D1C (TA-1039) WW (Nokia 6)
    E1A (TA-1007) WW (Nokia 2)
    E1A (TA-1029) WW (Nokia 2)
    E1I (TA-1011) WW (Nokia 2)
    E1L (TA-1023) WW (Nokia 2)
    E1L (TA-1035) WW (Nokia 2)
    NB1 4GiB (TA-1004) WW (Nokia 8)
    NB1 4GiB (TA-1012) WW (Nokia 8)
    NB1 6GiB (TA-1004) WW (Nokia 8)
    NB1 6GiB (TA-1012) WW (Nokia 8)
    B1C 4GiB (TA-1052) HK (Nokia 8)

    - Use Nokia Care Emergency drivers ( same as for Lumia/NXP )
    - Use Unlock/Restore BootLoader for Nokia 2 / Nokia 8 devices if can not enter device in EDL mode!

    Many thanks to respected Mr. PASSIONATE_BOYS for his really big help !

    Download link
  12. 26/2/18 lúc 09:16



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.03 - important information is inside

    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.03

    ATTENTION: To use this software you should copy licence file license_xxxxxxxx.dat from /BEST/ folder to /BEST2/ folder

    - Nokia 8 line changes
    New restore database for latest firmwares ( up to 439x version )
    Revised flashing core
    Activated ability to mirror FW version to both partition and select one of them to boot
    During Identify now shown A/B SW version info
    Other repair features, specified for NK8 Line only, activated

    - Other
    Fixed flashing issues for devices with different FlashIC sizes
    Flashing core revised
    More info shown during identify ( EDL/FB )
    Change FW naming during reading to SW version info ( factory-like format )
    Encryption state during identify revert back, since some models have NON-encrypted FileSystem
    Repair Security updated

    - Use Nokia Care Emergency drivers ( same as for Lumia/NXP )
    - Latest available firmwares with OLD sec upload to support ( Nokia 2, Nokia 8, Nokia 5 )
    - Nokia Android 8 (Oreo) changes :
    > From January/February security patches EDL cables NOT work anymore on Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 !
    > Security workaround, used before For Nokia 2 and Nokia 8 NOT work with new BootLoader versions!
    > When new workaround will be finished, there is left for now just TP ( with device disassembly ) or rare OTA bugs to force EDL/Downgrade bootchain

    Download link
  13. 16/7/18 lúc 17:03



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.04 - Nokia MTK standalone support activated

    ATTENTION: To run this software you should copy licence file license_xxxxxxxx.dat from /BEST/ folder to /BEST2/ folder

    Nokia MTK standalone support activated !

    - Main
    MTK SP line support activated !
    For now the next features are supported:

    Nokia 1: FRT : FRONTIER : TA-1047/TA-1060/TA-1056/TA-1079/TA-1066
    Flashing ( Factory/BEST NB0 files )
    Dead Boot repair
    Reset Settings / FileSystem
    Reset FRP
    Repair Security
    SP Unlock

    Nokia 3: NE1 : ESSENTIAL1 : TA-1020/TA-1028/TA-1032/TA-1038
    Flashing ( Factory/BEST NB0 files )
    Reset Settings / FileSystem
    Reset FRP
    Repair Security
    SP Unlock

    Nokia 3.1: ES2 : ESSENTIAL2 : TA-1049/TA-1057/TA-1063/TA-1070/TA-1074/
    Flashing ( Factory/BEST NB0 files )
    Dead Boot repair
    Reset Settings / FileSystem
    Reset FRP
    Repair Security
    SP Unlock

    - Other
    Flashing core revised

    - MTK devices support is free and standalone
    - Firmwares can be found on support area
    - Firmware files need only for flashing, rest operations not require them
    - Make sure you select correct files for your device! ( Nokia 3 specific for now )

    Download and install latest MTK and QLM smartphones drivers:

    Download link
  14. 21/9/18 lúc 20:45


    Super Moderator

    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.05 - Nokia 3310(2G), Nokia 5.1 and other models support

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.05 - Nokia 3310(2G), Nokia 5.1 and other models support activated

    Nokia 3310(2G), Nokia 5.1 and other models support activated !

    - Nokia MTK Feature line support activated
    - Nokia 3310(2G) line support activated !

    Next revision of 3310 (2G) are supported:
    Nokia 3310 : RETRO : TA-1008/TA-1030

    For now the next features are supported:
    > Firmware flashing ( Factory/BEST firmware packages )
    > Firmware reading
    > Format FS / Reset Settings
    > Identify ( read complete device info & check/verify security area )

    Other models support enabled ( supported in BEST v1.xx line ) :
    Nokia 108: RM-944, RM-945, RM-1124
    Nokia 220: RM-969, RM-970, RM-971, RM-1125
    Nokia 225: RM-1011, RM-1012, RM-1043
    Nokia 130: RM-1035, RM-1036, RM-1037, RM-1122
    Nokia 215: RM-1110, RM-1111, RM-1112
    Nokia 105: RM-1133, RM-1134, RM-1135
    Nokia 222: RM-1136, RM-1137
    Nokia 230: RM-1172, RM-1173
    Nokia 216: RM-1187, RM-1188
    Nokia 150: RM-1189, RM-1190

    For now the next features are supported:
    > Firmware flashing ( Factory/BEST firmware packages )
    > Firmware reading
    > Format FS / Reset Settings
    > Identify ( read complete device info & check/verify security area )

    Changes from v1.xx line:
    Complete protocol rebuild - faster, safer, more stable
    FW read/make now direct, do not need additional read/convert operations
    FW read now more faster
    Devices not stuck in flash mode after some operations

    - Nokia 5.1 : CO2 : TA-1061/TA-1075/TA-1076/TA-1081/TA-1088
    > Flashing ( Factory/BEST NB0 files )
    > Reset Settings / FileSystem
    > Reset FRP
    > Identify
    > Repair Security
    > SP Unlock
    Support is standalone, no server and/or credits required !

    - Changes/Fixes
    > MTK SP line
    Nokia 1: FRT : FRONTIER : TA-1047/TA-1060/TA-1056/TA-1079/TA-1066
    Fixed BROM mode support
    Fixed dead mode flashing
    Fixed SP unlock

    Nokia 3.1: ES2 : ESSENTIAL2 : TA-1049/TA-1057/TA-1063/TA-1070/TA-1074
    Improved flashing in MTK mode
    Fixed issues with FOTA after flashing

    > QLM SP line
    Removed legacy servicing methods
    Flashing engine updated

    - Other
    Settings Tab activated
    > Setup FeaturePhones DataPackage path
    > Setup SmartPhones DataPackage path
    > Setup IOS user credentials ( for use server-based operations )
    Lot of fixes and global changes at all

    - Support
    Hundreds of firmwares for Nokia 3310 (2G) are in support area
    > Check out for need region packages or language packages on support area first! Or read from any well working device which you have.
    Nokia 230: RM-1172, RM-1173 - HMD and MS LEGACY different firmwares are in support area
    Nokia 216: RM-1187, RM-1188 - HMD and MS LEGACY different firmwares are in support area
    Nokia 150: RM-1189, RM-1190 - HMD and MS LEGACY different firmwares are in support area
  15. 26/9/18 lúc 17:33



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.06 - FP Forensic and other changes

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.06 - FP Forensic and other changes

    - Activated Forensic engine for MTK feature line devices
    Allow extract phonebook memory from alive/dead/semi-dead devices
    Extraction is direct ( from device )
    Support unicode

    Following models are supported for PhoneBook extraction:
    Nokia 108: RM-944, RM-945, RM-1124
    Nokia 220: RM-969, RM-970, RM-971, RM-1125
    Nokia 225: RM-1011, RM-1012, RM-1043
    Nokia 130: RM-1035, RM-1036, RM-1037, RM-1122
    Nokia 215: RM-1110, RM-1111, RM-1112
    Nokia 105: RM-1133, RM-1134, RM-1135
    Nokia 222: RM-1136, RM-1137
    Nokia 230: RM-1172, RM-1173
    Nokia 216: RM-1187, RM-1188
    Nokia 150: RM-1189, RM-1190
    Nokia 3310(2G): TA-1008, TA-1030

    - Changes/Fixes
    > MTK FP line
    Fix/Change: Flash reading on some configurations may fail, fixed
    New feature: Activated speed selection setting (see software settings tab) Default value - Normal. Speed TOO MUCH depend on this configuration value !
    Fix/Change: Flash engine revised
    New feature: Activated complete FlashPackage verification during FWSelect and Flashing

    > MTK SP line
    Fix/Change: Flash engine revised

    Download link
  16. 5/10/18 lúc 08:17



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.07 - Nokia 130 (2017) support and new features

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.07 - Nokia 130 (2017) support and new features

    - Nokia 130 (2017) line support activated !

    Next revision of Nokia 130 (2017) are supported:
    Nokia 130 (2017): KESA : TA-1017/TA-1019

    For now the next features are supported:
    > Firmware flashing ( Factory/BEST firmware packages )
    > Firmware reading
    > Format FS / Reset Settings
    > Identify ( read complete device info & check/verify security area )

    - Changes/Fixes
    > MTK FP line
    Fix/Change: Flash engine revised : Automatic Repair Mode enable, if device semi-dead
    Fix/Change: AutoID in case of semi-dead device state may fail, fixed

    - Support
    Hundreds of firmwares for 130 (2017) have been uploaded to support area
    > Check out for required region packages or language packages in support area first! Also you can read from any good working device that you have.

    Download link
  17. 15/10/18 lúc 15:25



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.08 - Nokia 105 (2017) support and new features

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.08 - Nokia 105 (2017) support and new features

    - Nokia 105 (2017) line support activated !

    Next revision of Nokia 105 (2017) are supported:
    Nokia 105 (2017) : N103 : TA-1010/TA-1034/TA-1037

    For now the next features are supported:
    > Firmware flashing ( Factory/BEST firmware packages )
    > Firmware reading
    > Format FS / Reset Settings
    > Identify ( read complete device info & check/verify security area )

    - Changes/Fixes
    > MTK FP line
    Fix/Change: Flash engine revised
    New feature: Firmware Read : Activated extarction of device supported LangPacks during FW read
    New feature: "LangPack only change" option for FW flashing activated
    Fix/Change: Forensic engine updated
    Fix/Change: Flash Read revised

    - Support
    Hundreds of firmwares for 105 (2017) has been upload to support area
    > Check out for required region packages or language packages in support area first! Also you can read from any good working device that you have

    Download link
  18. 7/11/18 lúc 10:12



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity `SM` software v2.04 released

    Infinity `SM` software v2.04 released

    Flasing - add Reset userlock / pin / pattern / password in FRP ON + OEM ON mode options
    Many bug fixed

    How to use Reset User lock options:
    - see phone version in Recovery menu
    - download COMBINATION file according to the phone version
    - check checkbox and add your COMBINATION file
    - flash phone
    - after write COMBINATION file wait phone is turned on
    - phone on in recovery mode, reboot phone
    - you have access to phone data
    after backup user data - reflash phone

    Download link
    doanphi_gsm thích bài này.
  19. 22/11/18 lúc 03:18



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.09 - FP Forensic and other features

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.09 - FP Forensic and other features

    - Forensic engine for MTK feature line devices rebuild from scratch
    Allow extract phonebook memory from alive/dead/semi-dead devices
    From now allow extract phonebook from memory dump ( made by external prommer or older BEST versions )
    > Press and hold SHIFT key before press "Extract PhoneBook" button for enable File mode
    Extraction is direct (from device) and from dump
    Support unicode

    All existing MTK FP models are supported now for PhoneBook extraction:
    Nokia 108: RM-944, RM-945, RM-1124
    Nokia 220: RM-969, RM-970, RM-971, RM-1125
    Nokia 225: RM-1011, RM-1012, RM-1043
    Nokia 130: RM-1035, RM-1036, RM-1037, RM-1122
    Nokia 215: RM-1110, RM-1111, RM-1112
    Nokia 105: RM-1133, RM-1134, RM-1135
    Nokia 222: RM-1136, RM-1137
    Nokia 230: RM-1172, RM-1173
    Nokia 216: RM-1187, RM-1188
    Nokia 150: RM-1189, RM-1190
    Nokia 3310(2G): TA-1008, TA-1030
    Nokia 105(2017) : TA-1010, TA-1034, TA-1037
    Nokia 130(2017) : TA-1017, TA-1019

    - Changes/Fixes
    > MTK FP line
    Fix/Change: Flash engine revised
    New feature: SW version check during flashing activated. SW will verify data between phone and VPL.
    > In case of device dead ( no SW version data available ) - SW will warn about it.
    New feature: Complete language info during FlashFile selection ( will show all existing languages without need of manual flashing and verify )

    > MTK SP line
    Fix/Change : Flash engine revised
    Fix/Change : Repartition may fail during NK1 flashing, fixed

    Download link

    Subscribe to Telegram channel and get news faster !

    How to upload files to support

    Infinity-Box 13 years (2005 - 2018) updates and support as nobody else - News
  20. 18/3/19 lúc 22:02



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.10 - Nokia 3310 3G support and new features

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.10 - Nokia 3310 3G support and new features

    - Nokia SPRD tab activated
    Nokia 3G SS [TA-1006] supported
    Nokia 3G SS [TA-1022] supported
    Nokia 3G DS [TA-1036] supported

    - Identify
    - Reset Settings / Format FS
    - Firmware Flashing ( cross, nvm update, lang change )

    Info: Device security paired, store all NV backups to emergency case !
    Info: Crossflashing can be done and not touch security ( require enable NV update )

    - Nokia SP tab changes
    Identify now read BOTH part info for A/B devices
    Flash Engine updated
    "UserData preserve" mode updated
    Format FS / Reset FRP revised

    Nokia 5.1+ ( Nokia X5 ) supported ( TA-1102, TA-1105, TA-1108, TA-1109, TA-1112, TA-1120 )
    Nokia 3.1+ supported ( TA-1104, TA-1113, TA-1115, TA-1117, TA-1118, TA-1125 )

    - Identify
    - Reset Settings / Format FS / Reset FRP
    - Firmware Flashing

    - Nokia FP tab changes
    PhoneBook extraction engine updated
    Extract "from file" revised
    Flash Engine updated

    Download link
  21. 26/3/19 lúc 01:16

    phương nhung

    Major Poster

    phương nhung
    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.11 - More MTK and SPRD features activated

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.11 - More MTK and SPRD features activated

    - Nokia SPRD tab
    Activated Flash Dump feature
    Support another signed base driver ( can be found on support for both x86 and x64 systems )
    FlashEngine updated

    - Nokia MTK SP tab changes
    Flash Engine updated
    MT6755 line has been broken in previous release, fixed

    - Nokia MTK FP tab changes
    PhoneBook extraction engine updated
    Flash Engine updated
    Backup security feature released, allow store device security
    Restore security feature released, allow restore device security backups
    Backup now also made during "Identify"
    During backup security RPL will be cleaned and prepared ( all counters reset and default mtk settings/options set )

    - Other
    Minor bugfixes and changes

    - Additional info
    SPRD flash backups can be sent for processing via IOS FileUploader for adding new LangPacks on support.
    ETA of processing - 48 hours, then files can be found on support. All other ways will be ignored.

    Discussion and download links - https://www.infinity-box.com/support/?r=100066
  22. 1/4/19 lúc 17:45



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.12 - Nokia 106 (2019) line support activated

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.12 - Nokia 106 (2019) line support activated

    Next revision of Nokia 106 (2019) are supported:
    Nokia 106 (2019) : NEMO : TA-1114

    For now the next features are supported:
    > Firmware flashing ( Factory/BEST firmware packages )
    > Firmware reading
    > Format FS / Reset Settings
    > Identify ( read complete device info & check/verify security area )
    > Backup security
    > Restore security
    > Repair security ( via SWP )
    > SP unlock ( via SWP )
    > Complete repair ( via SWP )

    *SWP feature allowed due to Nokia security flaw, made in Nokia 106 and affect this model only for now.

    - Base
    Loader database updated
    Bugfixes and minor changes

    - Support
    Some firmwares for Nokia 106 can be found on support now

    Download link
  23. 9/4/19 lúc 17:40



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.13 - Universal Flasher/Unbricker, more Forensic etc.

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.13 - Universal Flasher/Unbricker, more Forensic and other stuff !

    MTK SP tab
    - Flasher engine updated
    Allow unbrick/repair almost all SW-related issues during flashing from now ( specially A/B devices )
    Fixed memory partitioning issues on fresh devices
    - Reset Settings/Format FS updated
    - Safe UserData flashing feature updated
    - Pre-Erase option can be activated/de-activated depend on user need

    MTK FP tab
    - Dead mode flashing revised ( incorrect identification during flashing semi-dead device )
    - Firmware reader engine updated
    - LangPack info extractor updated
    - Forensic engine updated
    Nokia 106 PhoneBook extraction activated/de-activated
    Universal Gallery extractor activated
    *Allow extract : Photos ( if device have camera ) , Audio records , Browser BookMarks and History ( Built-in MTK and Opera Mini supported )
    *Support all existing MTK Feature devices, made by Microsoft and HMD Nokia
    *Support Direct (from phone) and Dump (from file) mode
    Phonebook extraction updated

    SPRD FP tab
    - FullFlash reading optimized
    Unfortunately, all dumps, made by v112 are not usable. Please, repeat reading with new version, if you need get LangPacks.
    - Flash Engine updated
    - NVRAM verify and check revised

    - Some bugfixes and changes

    - All latest firmwares can be found on support !

    Download link
  24. 16/4/19 lúc 22:27



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.14 - Nokia 210 (2019) Full support activated

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.14 - Nokia 210 (2019) Full support activated

    Next revision of Nokia 210 (2019) are supported:
    Nokia 210 (2019) : TA-1139

    For now the next features are supported:
    > Firmware flashing ( Factory/BEST firmware packages )
    > Firmware reading
    > Format FS / Reset Settings
    > Identify ( read complete device info & check/verify security area )
    > Backup security
    > Restore security
    > Repair security ( via SWP )
    > SP unlock ( via SWP )
    > Complete repair ( via SWP )
    > Forensic ( Gallery/Browser History/Browser BookMarks )

    *SWP feature allowed due to Nokia security flaw, made in Nokia 210 and affect this model only for now.
    *CROSS-SWP between affected models not allowed for now!

    - Base
    Loader database updated
    Bugfixes and minor changes

    - Support
    Some firmwares for Nokia 210 can be found on support now

    Download link
  25. 24/4/19 lúc 10:04



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.15 - Nokia 1 Plus support

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.15 - Nokia 1 Plus support

    Nokia 1+ (ANTMAN) supported ( TA-1111, TA-1123, TA-1127, TA-1130 )

    - Identify
    - Reset Settings / Format FS / Reset FRP
    - Firmware Flashing

    - FlashLoader datbase updated
    - Some bugfixes and changes

    Download link
  26. 6/5/19 lúc 17:46



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.16 - Android 9 firmwares support, model finder

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.16 - Android 9 firmwares support, model finder

    - MTK flash engine updated ( Feature Line )
    - MTK flash engine updated ( SmartPhone Line )

    - Android 9P firmwares can not be flashed in Nokia 5.1/3.1/3.1+ , fixed
    - Model selector over TA/RM identifier activated. Double click on model to open required tab

    - Base
    Loader database updated
    Bugfixes and minor changes

    - Support
    New firmwares can be found on support for all supported lines

    Download link
  27. 18/11/19 lúc 19:25



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.19 - New models and features

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.19 - New models and features

    As ordinary, Infintiy Team continue to release unique and world-first software features, algorithms and methods.

    HMD Nk 105 (2019) King
    Nk 105 - TA-1174, TA-1203
    - Identify, check securiy
    - Reset Settings/Format FS
    - Read UserCode

    HMD Nk 110 (2019)
    Nk 110 - TA-1192
    - Identify, check securiy
    - Reset Settings/Format FS
    - Read UserCode

    HMD Nk 6.2 Starlord
    Nk 6.2 - TA-1187, TA-1198, TA-1200, TA-1201
    - Identify
    - Flash Firmware
    - Reset Settings/Format FS
    - Reset FRP

    HMD Nk 7.2 Daredevil
    Nk 7.2 - TA-1178, TA-1181, TA-1193, TA-1196
    - Identify
    - Flash Firmware
    - Reset Settings/Format FS
    - Reset FRP

    - Base
    Loader database updated
    ModelFinder updated
    Bugfixes and minor changes

    - BL
    Fixed Nk 2.2 flashing, Format FS, Reset FRP

    - MTK SP
    Updated loader database
    MT6761 support activated ( Nk 2.2 line ) in standalone mode

    - MTK FP
    FlashEngine updated
    FileSystem (Forensic) engine updated

    - SPD FP
    FlashEngine updated
    Nk 105, Nk 110 support activated ( partial )

    - Support
    New firmwares for supported models can be found at support area

    Download link #1

    Download link #2
    Điệp Liên Tú thích bài này.
  28. 19/11/19 lúc 07:42

    Điệp Liên Tú

    Insane Poster

    Điệp Liên Tú
    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Bổ sung phụ mod, Pass giải nén: 12345678

  29. 8/1/20 lúc 22:36



    Tham gia:
    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.20 - 220.4G, 2.3 and more !

    Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.20 - 220.4G, 2.3 and more !

    As ordinary, unique result of silent work is here.

    HMD Nk 220 4G (2019)
    Nk 220 4G - TA-1148, TA-1155, TA-1171
    - Identify, check securiy
    - Reset Settings/Format FS
    - Read UserCode
    - Backup security

    HMD Nk 2.3 Ironman
    Nk 2.3 - TA-1206, TA-1209, TA-1211, TA-1214
    - Identify
    - Flash Firmware
    - Reset Settings/Format FS
    - Reset FRP

    - Base
    Loader database updated
    ModelFinder updated
    Bugfixes and minor changes

    - MTK SP
    Flash Engine updated
    Updated loader database
    Nk 2.3 support activated in standalone mode

    - SPD FP
    SVC engine updated
    Nk 220 4G support activated ( partial )
    UserCode reading revised
    Identify revised

    Support area:
    - New firmwares for supported models can be found at support area
    - New drivers for 105/110/220 can be found at support area

    Download link

    password for archive: 12345678

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